Welcome to Novus: JC1 Orientation 2023

Main writer: Syed Nabil Bin Syed Hassnor (2AD2)

[Image: @acjclive Instagram]

Check out the summary video of Novus ’23 HERE.

After nearly 3 years of having the JC1 Orientation programme in the midst of severe COVID-19 phases, Anglo-Chinese Junior College (ACJC) held its biggest and most exciting JC1 Orientation programme yet in 2023 with the theme ‘Novus’.

[The 4 clans of Novus’23. Image: @acjclive Instagram]

The 3-day programme contained essential administrative talks and fun-filled bonding activities and games carefully planned out to ensure the incoming JC1s are able to integrate well into ACJC. Of such were the iconic station games, where both the JC1s and JC2 Orientation Group Leaders (OGLs) were challenged on their teamwork, creativity, knowledge and critical and strategic thinking. The games entailed both dry and wet games, ranging from twisted sports such as a modified captain’s ball game called ‘Boss Ball’, ‘Capture the Payload’, to trivia and knowledge games such as ‘Wet Jeopardy’. 

[Some fun activities done on Day 2. Images: Megan Lee 2MD4]

These games undeniably received an overwhelming number of positive and satisfied responses from everyone, clearly evident with the dense mass of smiling faces and laughter that aired the entire school compound. 

Much time was also allocated to allow the JC1s and OGLs to bond with one another through icebreakers and heart-to-heart talks during recess, lunch and other times whenever available. Needless to say, even the OGLs were able to foster stronger bonds with one another throughout the programme.

[JC1s and OGLs bonding with each other. Images: Megan Lee 2MD4]

Of course, the Orientation programme is never complete without a riveting and exciting closure: the O’Finale! 

The O’Finale was truly a momentous and nostalgic end to the Orientation programme that truly unleashed the inner AC Spirit within everyone, with each clan putting up their own performances that truly showcased each of their unique personalities and vibes, as well as a memory lane video that reviewed the fast yet enriching 3-days. The ACSian Theatre and Dance Society also joined in the fun with their own performances as well.

[Clan performances. Images: Megan Lee 2MD4]

But, if you were to ever ask any JC1, OGL or teacher about the most moving and powerful moment of the entire Orientation programme, their likely answer would be the mass cheer, sing-a-long, rave and mass dance segments of the O’Finale. 

Clan Aventura ended their performance with a mass sing-a-long, or as the clan’s head Jun Song (2SB4) calls ‘AVENTURAVE’, to the legendary songs Shut Up And Dance by WALK THE MOON and Viva La Vida by Coldplay. Afterwards, the entire hall was invited to sing their hearts to Memories by Maroon 5. The JC1s and OGLs were then finally encouraged to show off their moves with the final round of mass dance, choreographed to the songs Sunshine by OneRepublic and Symphony by Sheppard.

[Other highlights of O’Finale. Images: Megan Lee 2MD4, Tymon Oh 2SA2]

It would be a waste not to talk about the hall decorations too; with the lights turned off, the hall was beautifully decorated with balloons and fairy lights that undeniably set a sort of campfire and concert-like mood. Needless to say, writing about the O’Finale does the actual in-person experience no justice!


As an OGL myself, this experience has been such a memorable and unforgettable one during my time in ACJC. I would like to show my appreciation to not only my fellow JC1s of Orientation Group (OG) Baret who have been super active and enthusiastic during the programme, but also my fellow OGL and clan mates who have been with me ever since the start of the official preparation for the Orientation programme.

[Pictures of OG, BARET. Image(s): Wong Val 2SC1, Nithis 2SB4, Syed Nabil 2AD2]
[OGLs of BARET – Elyssa Moo 2SC6, Wong Val 2SC1, Chen Yang 2AA1, Syed Nabil 2AD2, Nithis 2SB4. Images: Wong Val 2SC1, Syed Nabil 2AD2, Photography Soc]

Looking back at these pictures we’ve taken, I definitely felt that we could’ve done more during the 3 days. However, I believe that the rapport that we have fostered is enough for all of us to look back and miss the days. 

I would also like to thank all the other OGLs, teachers-in-charge, OTAH heads and student councillors for taking the time to plan and help execute such a memorable programme. Also, on behalf of the AC Press and other OGLs, I would like to wish all the JC1s a fruitful time here in ACJC! And to the OGLs, all the best for your A Levels this year!

[Pictures with Clan Aventura. Image(s): Siti Nur Alisa 2SB5, Han Juai Seu 2SC2]
[OGLs involved in Novus’23. Image: Esther Tay 2SC7]

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